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Informes Mensuales
Corruption and Renegotiation in Procurement (Leandro Arozamena, Juan José Ganuza y Federico Weinschelbaum)
Do Professional Athletes Choke When They Don’t Have Time to Stop and (Over) Think? (Agustín Indaco e Ira teqja).
Hidden Debt Revelations (Sebastian Horn, David Mihalyi, Philipp Nickol and César Sosa-Padilla)
From Russia with Conflict: How the Ukraine War Rekindled NATO Support in Spain (Agustín Casas and Federico Curci).
Economía de plataformas, servicio doméstico y formalización: evidencia para Argentina (Martín Trombetta)
Lattice operations for the stable set in substitutable matching markets via re-equilibration dynamics (Agustín G. Bonifacio, Noelia Juarez y Paola B. Manasero)
El Aporte de Raúl Prebisch durante el Gobierno de Alfonsín (1984): Controversias en torno a la Macroeconomía y la Reactivación Económica (Ignacio Andrés Rossi)
Unravelling the Determinants of Banking Efficiency in Argentina: A two-stage analysis of the Argentine banking sector (Facundo Costa de Arguibel, Juan Antonio Dip, Gerardo Orlando Stvass)
International Reserve Management under Rollover Crises (César Sosa-Padilla).
Differential Crowding Out Effects of Government Loans and Bonds: Evidence from an Emerging Market Economy (Martín Tobal).
The Baking of Preferences Throughout the High-School (Diego Jorrat)
Crecimiento Económico: el Rol de la Apertura Comercial y los Términos de Intercambio para Distintos Grupos de Países (Mauro Romero-Stefani, Mara Rojas, María María Ibáñez)
Market Power in the Argentine Liquid Fuels Wholesale Chain (Florencia Gabrielli)
Resumen Mensual Marzo de 2024
The Asymmetric Effects of Commodity Price Shocks in Emerging Economies (Alejandro Vicondoa)
Fuzzy Classification Aggregation (Federico Fioravanti)
The Added Value of Using the ODD Protocol for Agent-Based Modeling in Economics: Go for it! (Emiliano Álvarez)
Resumen Mensual Febrero de 2024
Extreme Dry Spells and Larger Storms in the U.S. Midwest Raise Crop Prices (Magdalena Cornejo)
Indexación y Financiamiento Inflacionario: el Caso de la Movilidad Jubilatoria (Mauro Falcone)
Tilting the playing field. Do Double Simultaneous Voting System and Apparentment Lists contribute to subnational party hegemony? (Osvaldo Meloni y José J. Bercoff)
Visitors Out! The Absence of Away Team Supporters as a Source of Home Advantage in Football (Fernando Delbianco)
Are professional forecasters inattentive to public discussions? The case of inflation in Argentina (J. Daniel Aromí)
Equilibrium existence in a discrete-time endogenous growth model with physical and human capital (Luis A. Alcalá)
Obvious Strategy-proofness with Respect to a Partition (Alejandro Neme)
Redistributive Politics under Ambiguity (Javier D. Donna)
Sovereign Debt Tolerance with Potentially Permanent Costs of Default (Francisco Roldán)
Parental Love Is Not Blind: Identifying Selection into Early School Start (Ignacio Monzón)
Sovereign Spreads and the Political Leaning of Nations (César Sosa-Padilla)
Gravity Approach to the Impact of Crises on MERCOSUR Trade (Germán González)
Turismo y desarrollo económico: una exploración empíricas (Juan Gabriel Brida)
Climate Change and Political Participation: Evidence from India (Juan Pablo Rud)
Permanent and Transitory Monetary Shocks around the World (Javier García-Cicco y Federico Sturzenegger)
A Measure of our Uncertainty: Households’ Inflation Expectation and Information Shocks (Ignacio Galará)
Juries and Information Aggregation in Dynamic Environments (Esteban Colla-De-Robertis)
Sovereign Debt Management (Eduardo Levy Yeyati)
Dutch Disease, Unemployment and Structural Change (Mariano Kulish)
What is a relevant control?: An algorithmic proposal (Fernando Delbianco y Fernando Tohmé)
Simulations in Models with Heterogeneous Agents, Incomplete Markets and Aggregate Uncertainty (Damian Pierri)
Causality by Vote: Aggregating Evidence on CausalRelations in Economic Growth Processes (Fernando Delbianco y Fernando Tohmé)
Obvious Manipulations in Matching with and without Contracts (R. Pablo Arribillaga)
Gender Identification and Stake Size Effects in the Impunity Game (Hernán Bejarano)
International Spillovers of ECB Interest Rates Monetary Policy & Information Effects (Santiago Camara)
Estructura de Propiedad, Origen de Capital y Eficiencia Bancaria: Evidencia para Argentina en el período 2010-2018 (Juan A. Dip)
Los Impactos Distributivos de la Movilidad de Ingresos de Corto Plazo: Evidencia para América Latina (Martin Trombetta)
Preferencias parentales de género a lo largo de tres siglos: Evidencia para Argentina (Fernando Antonio Ignacio González)
Trade Disruptions Along the Supply Chain (Alejandro G. Graziano)
Graphical Representation of Multidimensional Poverty: Insights for Index Construction and Policy Making (Rodrigo García Arancibia)
A Note on Quasi-Maximum-Likelihood Estimation in Hidden Markov Models with Covariate-Dependent Transition Probabilities” (Martin Sola)
Discriminación en la formación de redes académicas: Un experimento de campo en #EconTwitter (Nicolás Ajzenman)
Adapting to Climate Risk? Local Population Dynamics in the United States (Agustín Indaco)
Rivals’ Exit and Vertical Merger Evaluation (Javier Donna)
An analysis of the effect of fiscal expenditure on the income distribution of Chilean households (Nicolás Garrido)
Resumen Mensual Febrero de 2023
Sequentially Exporting Products across Countries (Facundo Albornoz)
El Estrés y Ansiedad por COVID-19. Los Sentimientos de los Estudiantes Reflejados en la Opinión de una Encuesta Realizada en Pandemia. (Juan Antonio Dip)
The Green Metamorphosis of a Small Open Economy (Florencia S. Airaudo y Hernán D. Seoane)
An Ergodic Theory of Sovereign Default (Hernán D. Seoane)
Optimal Bailouts in Banking and Sovereign Crises (Cesar Sosa-Padilla)
Las Agtech en Argentina: Desarrollo Reciente, Situación Actual y Perspectivas (Andrés Lopez y Jeremías Lachman)
Bond Risk Premia, Priced Regime Shifts, and Macroeconomic Fundamentals (Constantino Hevia)
Updating the social norm: the case of hate crime after the Brexit referendum (Facundo Albornoz)
How much are students aware of environmental issues? Is this awareness related to their
socioeconomic status? A look from PISA 2006 and 2015 (Cecilia Adrogué)
El Rol de la Lectura y los Libros en la Función de Producción Educativa en Argentina (Monserrat Serio)
Coo-petencia Oligopólica y Rentismo Digital en el Mercado Tecnológico Global (Carina Borrastero e Ignacio Juncos)
Patent Length and Breadth as Policy Instruments: A Systematic Review of Recent Contributions to the Theory of Optimal Patent Design (Leandro M. Meller)
Looking Inside the Ballot Box: Gender Gaps in Argentine Presidential Elections (Osvaldo Meloni)
Job Displacement Costs of Phasing out Coal (Juan Pablo Rud)
Checks and Balances and Nation Building: The Spanish Constitutional Court and Catalonia (Agustin Casas)
Trust and Saving in Financial Institutions by the Poor (Camila Navajas Ahumada)
The Heterogeneous Impact of Inflation on Households’ Balance Sheets (Clodomiro Ferreira)
Sostenibilidad Ambiental y Calidad Institucional: Interacciones (Mauro David Reyes Pontet, María M. Ibáñez Martín y Silvia London)
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